Wednesday, January 14, 2009

NYT on the "Real" DC

You may have seen this already, but the NYTimes profiled the food scene in 'recently' energized DC neighborhoods. I appreciate how they at least tried to get away from the Downtown area to mention the more neighborhoody places like Marvin and the late Colorado Kitchen, but jesus, I can't stand articles like this.

Why is it that the NYT runs a piece every 6 months about how DC has suddenly and only "recently" emerged from its crack-fueled blight for the sole purpose of attracting twittering New Yorkers? Sorry to disappoint, but eating in the Capital has been improving steadily for many years while you were busy opening Ninja restaurants (which sounds awesome fyi).

Now all these DC places will be overrun with self-important Manhattanites (recently transplanted from Nebraska) patting themselves on their backs for leaving their island fortress and venturing out to the provinces where they "discovered" this cute place that's "sooo New York". I don't want DC to be like NYC. That's why I'm living here and not there.

Marvin had a three hour wait this past Friday. I haven't had a wait that long since Planet Hollywood opened in Orlando 15 years ago, and that was at least a Michelin-starred institution. (Speaking of fried chicken, Popeyes needs to upgrade just a notch and I'd be there every other week.)

The one line I did like though was a quote from a local: "The D.C. culture has evolved now to a point where we can be proud of it,” said Lee T. Wheeler..." Seriously, let's have some more pride around here. Who is more interesting, the President of the US or the CEO of Citigroup? Chicago's nickname may be The Second City, but Chicagoans won't let anyone talk shit about their town, and DC'ers need to do the same.

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